Friday, March 7, 2008

Paper or Plastic?

Ok I am just a little jealous that Candis got a post with 18 comments and counting, So I thought I would throw out there a heated topic of my own.

Paper or plastic at the grocery store?

Do you encourage the destruction of a poor defenseless trees or do your part in putting a whole in the ozone.

Im never sure which one to choose so when the clerk asks me paper or plastic I always say "yes" (to both). I guess it my little way of doing something for the environment.


Anonymous said...

I just bought the rcycled/reusable black walmart bags and I LOVE them.I loved at others, costco, etc. but did not like them as much. I leave them in my car so i don't forget them when i go to the stores. They are way durable (im talking 3 liters of pop and a soy milk in one) less trips to and from the car, and i use them for other stores, the library, etc. They were only $1 each. I hesitated buying them because i thought i would need to buy 20 (false-they hold the equivelant of 2 bags worth) and always thought i would forget them.They are even printer with the words "paper of plastic? Neither"

Gaerte Family said...

I knew that my "trustafarian" sister-in-law would be the first to comment on this one. Don't let her fool you L, she cuts down Christmas trees. Also, I did not try to create a controversy with my blog. I only home that your participants do not get bullied by one side or the other. Love and miss you.

Anonymous said...

c-You should follow your own advise and not bully other bloggers!

Tenney Family said...

c- are you implying that jem is a poser?! scandalous!!

Tenney Family said...

i've also been the target of bullying bloggers recently... very sad!!

Josh said...

artificial christmas trees are more damaging to the environment than real ones (for real...saw a special on it just a few months ago). As for bags, I ask for both- plastic-lined paper bags. I am thinking of switching to a wheelbarrow though.

Anonymous said...

see candis-i tried to tell you about the tree thing-
l-you are getting a lot of comments from us! :)

ryanminor said...

Thats what Im talking about Josh. When I say yes to both paper and plastic I meant give me both at one time. I would really like them to switch over to styrofoam like what they use to serve the mcdonalds breakfast in. Or maybe just baby seal fur.

Josh said...

Ryan- my favorite post of the week! how about whaleskin bags!

ryanminor said...

To bloggers one and all: My husband is the author of the original post. Don't be fooled by his "jealousy", however, or seemingly well thought out question. As for me, I must admit Jack Johnson would be very displeased. I think only of my own convenience when asked the gratuitous question at the supermarket check out.
Love you all -L
P.S. Ryan doesn't believe in sarcasm.

Gaerte Family said...

Because we don't have a Yukon and a 3500 square foot home we've found it much easier to lower our carbon footprint. We've also found that ceiling fans provide a cooler and more natural environment than air conditioners. Our fire pit, and jackets seem to warm us better than gas heaters. These are simple ways to help Mother Earth.
In addition, KWANZA requires few decorations so Christmas trees have ceased to be an issue.
Finally, wheelbarrows have been found to cause illness in children who haven't received vaccinations. For that reason we have opted to carry our groceries in our hands. It's also helped us lose some weight and save money.
Mongo finally figure out blogosphere to make intellect comment.
Mongo (aka scott)